Monday 24 March 2014

Feedback from Critical Analysis Draft 18/03

  • Objectness - Robert Ryman - JSTOR (in October)
  • Minimalism - Donald Judd and Frank Stella - interview with Bruce Glaser.
(The above was in relation to what I had wrote in my critical analysis about past work)

I got told quite a few artists to look at, who relate really well to my studio practice!
  • Paintings of George Shaw
  • Paul Seawright
  • Paddy Jolley
  • Rebecca Trost
  • Inger Lise Hansen
  • Edward Burtynsky
  • Terence Koh

Comments & advice from Graham:
  • "Throw away" material (paper) interesting - maybe crumple up and place on floor - print multiples - replication - mirrors technology - throw away represents "useless-ness" of outdated technology and machinery - post industrial.
  • When talking about "darkness" in my work - don't be too literal with "meanings" of black and white.

I definitely found this feedback with Graham really useful, as I am more confident about talking about my studio practice, as this is something that I was not really comfortable with before. (I will post my critical analysis when it is finished) Also as well as gaining confidence through feedback, I have got some more ideas of how to develop my work further, as I was struggling with the development process.

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