Friday, 4 April 2014

"Throw away" images.

After the feedback with Graham, I decided to try out what he had suggested with my images. As I described the images as "throw away" because I chose to print them on to photocopying paper, which has an ephemeral quality, I decided that this would be something interesting to do, and maybe what I need to develop my work further.

First of all, I printed out the 25 images which I took at the factory last time I went. I screwed the images up:

I made the decision to only screw up the images slightly, so you could still see what was printed. Although the images are quite dark, I think the way you can only see parts, because of them being screwed up, is quite interesting. I then decided to place the images in the corner of my studio space, to see what I could play about with:

 (There are around 25 images in this photograph)
I then went on to print out some more images from the same series, printing out multiples of the images, to see what would happen.
In the above picture, there are around another 30 images printed out, making just over 50 in total.
I definitely think that I should print out even more multiples of the photographs, to give the full effect which I am after. I have found this really interesting, as it is something that I would not usually do, but I can definitely see more scope for development within this work and how it is going!!

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