Following advice given from Jessica Longmore, I decided to take up the idea of setting myself experimental tests to do with the work which I have most recently been doing (the screwed up photographs) during the tutorial, Jessica suggested that I did 10 experiments during that afternoon, to see if any other work develops.
I took a photograph after each stage, and recorded what I did and what I thought about each "experiment":

1) I scattered the images about as Jessica had commented that it looked quite "staged" I like this as it makes the images look more throw away and forgotten.

2) I then kicked the images and they separated quite a bit. I still like how some of the images are upside down and not quite right but I don't really like the layout of how it turned out.

3) I then gathered the images back up against the wall. I really prefer them against the wall, not quite sure why. Maybe because it reflects the images which I took at the factory where all the rubbish and paper work had been scattered and left behind. I do like how some of the images you can't see at all.

4) Gathering the images into the corner, like on the original way which I laid them out. However still keeping the formation of the images the way they landed when I kicked them around the room. The edges on the photographs are really bothering me though, as Jessica commented on the "definite statement of photography"

5) I cut off the edges of some of the images. I was really conscious of cutting the edges straight, but realised when I "crumpled" them all up, they look distorted anyway. I like how the blackness of the black and white photography makes several images appear to merge into one - just like how my images in the test exhibition appeared to merge into the blackness of the room. I will try within the next few experiments to play about with the edges of the photographs which I will be using. Maybe keeping some edges on some images and cutting off some of the edges of the other images.

6) I decided to take things a bit further with the images which I cut the edges off - I completely screwed them tightly into balls, so you could not see the images which are displayed. I am not too sure about this method, not really sure why either.

7) Gathering all images into the corner of the room again. Using images with the edges cut off and also the ones with the edges still on and the completely screwed up images. I really do not like how this looks, as It looks a bit like there is too much going on. On the other hand, I like how the work looks uncompleted. Don't think I will carry on working like this.

8) Using more screwed up images. Still do not like this, as it is not giving the effect which I definitely want to achieve within the exhibition.
I found this task really helpful and fun as it helped me with thinking on the spot in other ways which I could work and display my "throw away" images.
I quite liked the fast paced experiments but I don't think I will carry on working in a way which I set myself time limits ever again, as I was overthinking what I was going to do for each experiment, and this in a way hindered the work. I am going to however be more experimental in my work and hopefully come up with something which I can do within my end of year show which is VERY soon.
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