Monday 5 May 2014

Sizing up images

I was planning on going to the workshops after the weekend, to find out how you could resize images so they print out at bigger sizes, so I could play about with making images the size of the room. I was under the illusion that you could only do this on mac computers on specific programs, but thanks to the wonders of Google, I found out that you can do it on windows computers... on the PAINT program. I have started to play about with sizing up of images on paint and below are some of the pictures:

(A very messy studio space, piecing together the images which I printed out and planning on how I am going to stick them up)
The images below show the sized up images. I enjoyed doing this as it is something I have been wondering about for quite a while! The images I chose to use are not of the best quality, so I had to print them out to a smaller size than I would have liked to. I still think the images worked out really well, and I know how to do it for future reference! Yay.



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