Another thing suggested to me during the feedback tutorial was to look at Outsider Art, as I did a participatory project with some service users at work last year. I never really expanded on this and the drawing outcomes in a way became useless. I am planning on doing another little project whilst at work, with the same service users on the side of my studio practice, in the form of a research project, and aiming to make something out of their works.
"A label created by Jean Debuffet to describe art created outside the boundaries of official culture; Debuffet focuses particularly on art by those on the outside of the established art scene, such as insane asylum inmates and children" (Wikipedia)
Above is just a quick description which I copied from the internet just to explain Outsider Art, as this is a term I had never heard of before. It is interesting that Jean Debuffet focused on art created by insane asylum inmates, as the service users which were involved in the participatory project last year, all used to live in Stallington Mental Hospital, and I will carry on using these people. I will have a better look into Outsider Art later on, to gain a better insight to aid my research project. However this is not needed immediately, as it is a small thing which is running alongside my studio practice.
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